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ACCU Oxford

The Oxford postcode area has more ACCU members than any other single postcode area. It seemed a pity to me that there was no local group, so a select group met for the inaugural meeting on 25/6/08.

Meetings are held on Wednesdays, usually (but not exclusively) the last Wednesday of the month. Meeting start at 8pm and run until 9:30pm. After which we usually adjourn for a drink and post-meeting discussion.

Mailing list

ACCU Oxford now has its own mailing list. Subscribe via the web page.

To post to the list, email To keep spam volumes down, posts from non-members will be held for moderation.

The list is intended to be low volume, primarily for meeting announcements and other administrivia.

Forthcoming meetings

For details and to signup see MeetUp.

Past meetings

29/06/16. (64) Lightning Talks by Jim Hague, Nigel Lester,Mircea Baja, Arnaud Desitter, Anthony Kirby & Andrew Robertson (~16 [1])

26/05/16. (63) ACCU 2016 Conference Retrospective (~13)

22/03/16. (62) Comfort Zones by Anna-Jayne Metcalfe 15[3])

23/02/16. (61) Big Data Analytics - A Primer For The Adventurous by Ari Mitra (27[3])

26/01/16. (60) What is ECMWF and what do we do? By Dr Stephan Siemen & Enabling a Value Flow via Software Architecture By Krzysztof Sitkowski (~23[2])

15/12/15. (59) Setting The Coding World To Rights - Christmas Social Session (11)

24/11/15. (58) Efficient and accessible? Addressing new architectures in C++ by Robin Williams (~13)

27/10/15. (57) Lightning Talks by Yinli Wang, Nigel Lester, Jim Hague & Phil Armstrong (hosted by Robert Bentall) (~13)

14/9/15. (56) Functional C++ by Kevlin Henney - Hosted by Oxford Asset Management (~50)

25/8/15. (55) Setting The Coding World To Rights - Social Session (~10)

29/7/15. (54) On Reflecting on Runtime or Program, Know Thyself by Dominic Robinson (~17)

30/6/15. (53) Trends in HPC: Hardware Complexity and Software Challenges by Prof Mike Giles(~28)

2/6/15. (52) Unit Testing Threaded Software Systems by Emyr Williams (~19)

5/5/15. (51) ACCU 2015 Conference Retrospective (~13)

24/3/15. (50) Lessons from the OuLiPo with Thomas Guest (~9)

24/2/15. (49) Early Experiences With Alloy by Robert Bentall (10)

22/1/15. (48) Social Session (~7)

17/12/14. (47) Social Session (~12)

18/11/14. (46) Lightning Talks (~19)

4/11/14. (45) Agile Swarming by Wenyan Ma (~19)

23/9/14. (44) Intellectual Property by Colin Wier (16)

30/7/14. (43) Setting The Coding World To Rights - Summer Social Session (~12)

2/7/14. (42) Where is C++ headed? Hubert Matthews (19)

4/6/14. (41) Lightning Talks by Malcolm Noyes, Arnaud Desitter, Emyr Williams, John Dickinson, Nigel Lester, Julian Smith (19)

30/4/14. (40) ACCU 2014 Conference Retrospective (15)

26/3/14. (39) Social Session & ACCU Conference Schedule Review (~10)

26/02/14. (38) What Programmers Want by Gail Ollis (14)

29/01/14. (37) Software Quality Dashboard for Agile Teams by Alexander Bogush (16)

18/12/13. (36) Architecture of Uncertainty by Kevlin Henney (23)

27/11/13. (35) Comfortable Concurrency by Dominic Robinson (~21)

21/11/13. (34) ACCU Oxford Lightning Visit to ACCU Bristol (3)

30/10/13.(33) Adopting Kanban by Nicholas Form (~11)

25/9/13. (32) Lightning Talks by Iain Emsley (slides & transcript), Nigel Lester, Dariusz Garbowski, John Kang, Harjinder Chandi, Malcolm Noyes & Jim Hague (Winner of Best Lightning Talk Prize) (17)

21/8/13. (31) Setting the Coding World to Rights - Summer Social Evening & impromptu RPi session (6)

31/7/13. (30) Setting the Coding World to Rights - Summer Social Evening (6)

26/6/13. (29) Migrating from MFC Binary Serialisation to Binary XML Serialisation by Frederik Sigmund. (~9)

29/5/13. (28) An Exploration of the Phenomenology of Software Development (slides) by Charles Tolman. (~10)

24/4/13. (27) ACCU 2013 Conference Retrospective organised by Nigel Lester.

27/3/13. (26) Pre 2013 ACCU Conference and planning session organised by Nigel Lester.

30/1/13. (25) Social and planning meeting organised by Robert Bentall.

28/3/12. (24) Jim Hague, The Victorian Exploring Expedition of 1860: reflections on project management and leadership from a real-life deathmarch project

29/2/12. (23) An Evening of Lightning Talks organised by Nigel Lester.

25/1/12. (22) Richard Evans, Sociality and Individuality

30/11/11. (21) Rob Bentall, Learning and Applying the Personal Software Process - Experiences from the life of an everyday software developer

26/10/11. (20) Tom Dombrowsky, Multithreaded Programming and Asynchronous Patterns - A Love Story

22/6/11. (19) An Evening of Lightning Talks organised by Nigel Lester.

You can download the slides for all the talks here.

25/5/11. (18) Hazel Crofts, The Personal Software Process

27/4/11. (17) Post-conference review.

30/3/11. (16) Jim Hague, Distributed Version Control Systems - under the bonnet

2/3/11. (15) Various, More fun with Android

14/7/10. (14) Jim Hague, My First Android App

16/6/10. (13) Rob Bentall, Chartered Status

5/5/10. (12) Post-conference review.

2/12/09. (11) Hubert Matthews, Continuous integration with Hudson

28/10/09. (10) Nigel Lester, Coping with requirements

24/6/09. (9) Derek Jones & Clive Pygott, Programming Language Vulnerabilities

27/5/09. (8) Post-conference review.

25/3/09. (7) Russel Winder. Fortran is not the only language for parallel computing.

28/1/09. (6) Hubert Matthews. Unit testing legacy C code.

26/11/08. (5) Phil Armstrong. Hindley Milner Datatypes and Haskell.

29/10/08. (4) Open discussion. What are the qualities of a good software development manager, and why are there so few of them? And what do they think makes a good developer?

24/9/08. (3) Pete Dillon, The Mainframe, and Cobol - when you need it, you really need it.

Technical problems prevented Pete showing some images of mainframe equipment of days of yore. This images are OldMainframePics.

30/7/08. (2) Chris Jefferson, What's new in C++0x this week?

25/6/08. (1) Jim Hague, Organising cross-platform code bases, and Phil Armstrong, Hindley Milner Datatypes: Bee's Knees or Mutt's Nutts?

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